For those who feel that having a Mac can help doing a better job or inspire in some sense while drawing, composing music or simply reading e-mail, a hack is now available for PC. They call it FlyakiteOSX. It's an interface emulator that goes a bit deeper than just substituting your theme. Personally, I'm using it for several days already and still have no intention to remove it. The first step towards buying a white piece of equipment is taken :) "You make your choice and you live with it."
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I'm just back from the farewell O'Connors pub (next time Guinness madness will probably take place in late August or September+) where Ruslan suggested to evolve the topic of my blog spot. Perfect timing! Exactly when I'm going to leave for holidays for a month... Sorry Ruslan, but for some reason you do not appear on my mobile photos today. Anyway, besides general blah-blah there are two things I will try to post here, namely different sketches of my designs of any kind and links to interesting software that may help you get the most out of your blue screen companion.